Exhibition Hypostasis presented by Lera Livinova and Leonora Yanko in Berlin
On April 22, the Kyiv "Lera Litvinova Gallery" represented by Lera Litvinova and curator Leonora Yanko organized a spiritual exhibition "Hypostasis" dedicated to the celebration of Easter. The event took place at the residence of the Ambassador of Ukraine in Berlin, in the form of an art meeting between the Ambassadors’ spouses from various countries of the world. The spouses of the Ambassadors of Belgium, Lithuania, Malta, Sweden, Turkey, and many others participated. The presentation of Ukrainian Easter traditions combined with contemporary art gave birth to a very creative and casual setting.

Our guests were confronted with paintings by renowned Ukrainian artists, –such as Oleksiy Kulakov and Natalia Papirna. Their work can be admired in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Supreme Court, and various museums in Germany, Macedonia, Poland and Ukraine, . Kyiv is the cradle of religious orthodox art. M. A. Vrubel and V. M. Vasnetsov used it as their working ground in the 1880s. The compositions of Oleksiy Kulakov and Natalia Papirna are often imitated by young contemporary artists in their church paintings. Their work is characterized by an academic interpretation of shapes and an acute psychological insight.
The exposition was completed by photographs, courtesy of the talented Ukrainian artist Sergiy Zadoretskyy, who has recently held a successful presentation in London. His inspiring photographs "View of the Pantheleimon Cathedral from the Theophania Park" (Kyiv 2014) and "Preparations for Easter" (Ternopil 2015) greatly impressed the distinguished guests.

The photographs are part of a series of works dedicated to the dawn of Christianity, in particular the depictions of Armenian temples, famous places of spiritual pilgrimage. The artist managed to sensually translate the temples' character in a picture and created a subtle psychological portrait of the monastery guardian Khor Virap by skillfully combining the mood of the place with a subtle play of light.

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