Art exhibition created by children and youth with disabilities Believe in Yourself were held in Lera
On February 7, 2019 at 3 pm art space Lera Litvinova Gallery opened the exhibition of paintings of the participants of XXVII Kyiv City Festival of Creativity of Children and Young People with Disabilities named "Believe in Yourself".

The exhibition presented about 100 works created by children and young people with disabilities.
The event organized by Kyiv City Center of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth. Young artists, their parents, social work specialists and social workers from the Centers of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth in Kyiv are invited to participate in the exhibition. The event was attended by head of the Children and Family Affairs Department of KCSA, Tantsura V.A.
During the exhibition, participants had posibility to meet with artists provided expert comments for children and young people with disabilities in carrying out their works.

The network of Centers of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth in Kyiv implements a system of measures for socio-cultural rehabilitation and development of creativity of children and youth with disabilities, among them - the Festival of creativity "Believe in Yourself", the Festival of fishing "Goldfish", etc. Also, excursions, master classes, literature evenings, clubs of youth communication, thematic holidays will be held. The network of the CSSFCY provides psychological, socio-pedagogical, legal, informational, and other services for 3 thousand children and young people with disabilities and their parents. Totally, there are 10 thousand children and 15 thousand young people with disabilities in Kyiv.