Exhibition of inspirational abstract art INTROversion by Olga Morozova
Starting from 26th May to 26th June, you will have a chance to immerse yourself in artistic exploration “Introversion” by Olga Morozova. Leonora Yanko, art critic and the director of LERA LITVINOVA GALLERY, who has overseen over 20 international and domestic projects, curates the exhibition.
Abstractionism often inspires ambiguous emotions in the viewers, as it is an art branch that eliminates material form and denies visible reality. An unprepared observer will strive to find sense and logic in these artworks, but abstract art is a harmony of colors, forms and spaces, it is not restricted to the images from real world…!
Compared to other art branches, abstract paintings are rather a dialogue with one’s consciousness than a logically comprehensible picture. Introversion is a look within oneself, personal feelings that arise as a result of this dialogue.
Olga Morozova is a master of non-figurative art. Apart from participating in Ukrainian and international exhibitions, her works are kept in the National Museum-Reserve “Sofia Kyivska”. Unique combination of color and contour on the canvas is a pure self-expression of this collectable artist. It is her driving force. Using one spot, line, geometrical figure Olga can convey first impression and purest emotions.
Among the city noise and unstoppable motion of life, it so important to stop and listen to one’s own thoughts. “Introversion” is thoughts, experience, feelings, intuition. It is an opportunity to spend some time alone with oneself and reevaluate the day.
LERA LITVINOVA GALLERY invites you to see reflections of all shades of your soul in the project “Inroversion”.
134-A, Peremogy Av., 134-A, Kyiv
From 10.00 until 19.00
Free entrance.

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