Opening of the exhibition "Petals on canvases" by Lubomyr Martyniuk at Lera Litvinova Gall
Lera Litvinova Gallery opens a new personal exhibition of the artist Lubomyr Martyniuk entitled «Petals on canvases». It’s a collection of his latest floral still-lifes to be presented in the art space from August 24 to September 27.

Lubomyr's artistic activity is extremely productive: being 39-years-old, he has created thousands of paintings. As to the genre, it's mostly floristry, still lifes, landscapes and portraits.

The artist was born in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. He graduated from the Lviv Academy of Arts in 2004. During his student years, Lubomyr Martyniuk got involved in impressionism. And later this passion affected his own artistic style. The floral compositions selected for the new exhibition at the Lera Litvinova Gallery are determined by the subtle vibrations of light and the effect of shimmering colors — in the tradition of the impressionistic worldview.

Leonora Yanko, art critic, art manager and director of Lera Litvinova Gallery: ‘In terms of aesthetics, still life is an extremely important genre. It teaches us to focus on the beauty of simple things, to admire its transience and variability. Canvases with flowers by Lyubomyr Martyniuk give us a special mood, a sense of harmony and balance’.