Lera Litvinova, Mykyta and Yegor Zigura presents art exhibition VIRGO in Lera Litvinova Gallery
On August 17, LERA LITVINOVA GALLERY presents the official Grand opening, marked by the «Virgo» exhibition.
The project will expose paintings by Lera Litvinova and sculpture by Mykyta and Yegor Zigura.

The main idea of the project curator Leonora Yanko is to reveal the idea that the Universe is built on harmony where all mundane struggles disappear within the mystical ocean of all the eternal and unknown. The «Virgo» exhibition is an opportunity for the audience to solve these mysteries, to get clean conscience and find peace. Exquisite meditative pieces of art create a special atmosphere. It unites the body and soul, man and space, nature and progress. «Virgo» is an artistic attempt to recreate the perfect balance of all existence ...

L. Litvinova has created new works in the series of abstract landscapes on canvas, specially for the «Virgo» project. The main purpose for the artist is to show the history of moment, to reveal the nature of fleeting moments, to feel the universe in a minute ... Her art is full of pristine purity and tenderness. Contemplation of these painting works is similar to meditation that brings a light whisper of the waves, floral scent of the warm summer air, the sunset, accompanied by cicadas lullaby and sunrise full of dreams ... Paintings by Lera Litvinova were purchased for the permanent exhibition by a museum in Berlin, she participated in international projects in Brussels, Berlin, Luxembourg, Bryuhhe and others. Her paintings are kept in private collections in Ukraine, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Hong Kong and others.

Talented sculptors Mykyta and Yegor Zigura have decorated a lot of Kyiv streets by their masterpieces and present the unique sculptural art for “Virgo”. The artists use different modern technologies and are well known for their participation in Ukrainian and international exhibitions. For the collectors it is important to know that bronze art-work "Risen Colossus" by Yegor Zigura was sold at the Phillips auction in London this year. Their works show how to search the truth and reconnect with eternal nature and the Universe. Their art is a call to look at the stars, which gives a strong impulse to feel the emotional energy of creation in ourselfes.

Sculpted works of art by these loudly declaring artists will be presented in a consonant tandem with painting of the successful collectible artist Lera Litvinova, an author of the creative idea and Founder of the LERA LITVINOVA GALLERY.

Leonora Yanko, Director of the LERA LITVINOVA GALLERY, said: «The "Virgo" project is really impressive, because it has grouped together young and talented authors, whose works reflect the mood of each other, give intriguing thrill of the unknown, the birth of new hopes and pure thoughts".

The Grand opening will be held with the support of auto-salon "Acura Center Kiev".
The delicious partner of the event: Cafe "Varenye" which created special series of art -cocktails.
Organisers want to thank the translation agency «English Channel» for their help in communication and high quality of their work.
We invite you to get rid of electrified tension of civilization and activate the energy of your soul!
Grand Opening: Wednesday, 17th August 17:00 / Entry by Invitation
18 August – 18 September 2016 Free entrance for everyone from 10.00 until 19.00.
Velyka Kiltseva Avenue, 14; territory of auto-salon “Acura Center Kiev”
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