In LERA LITVINOVA GALLERY the exhibition 1/5 was opened

The Grand opening of the exhibition 1/5 was held in LERA LITVINOVA GALLERY. The exhibition is dedicated to the Anniversary of gallery.

It contains works by more than 15 Ukrainian successful authors, as well as the painting by German street artist Johnny Crack Golden Muse.

Warm evening of the exhibition opening met the guests of the gallery with a red carpet and gentle sounds of the harp.

The performance of the Theater of improvisation White Crow supplemented the festive atmosphere.

Due to the combination of different arts, guests plunged into the atmosphere of relaxation, on the one hand, and deeply felt philosophy of 1/5, on the other.

The exhibition opening was visited by well-known Ukrainian TV channels' leaders, journalists of printed publications, bloggers, show business stars, as well as collectors and connoisseurs of contemporary art.

In addition, there were diplomats among the guests, including the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Yuddy Chrisnandi M.E.

The gallery director Leonora Yanko comments: "We had the goal to show our results of one year work and to give thanks to our authors and partners who were with us all this time. We gave our guests an opportunity to look at the past 1/5 of a century through the presented artworks, share views and exchange ideas."

The guests of the exhibition 1/5 not only enjoyed the artworks, but also communicated personally with some of artists.

The partner of the exhibition 1/5 TM MagNut prepared a pleasant surprise for the guests. The marketing director of MagNut Valeriya Kozymir raffled off sweet prizes among the public.

The exhibition 1/5 takes place in Lera Litvinova Gallery until October 4.
Works are available for purchase.