Bright paints of Ukraine
On 17th July, 2014 J.Greter Art Centre presented new project “Bright paints of Ukraine”. The core of modern Ukrainian culture and fine art is forming and developing with an enormous speed.
Masterpieces on the exhibition are great demonstration of it. Works of different styles and genres from classic still life to abstract paintings of landscapes are presented on the exhibition and it means that multiple senses are researched by young creative people.
Managing director of gallery Leonora Yanko says: “We support Ukrainian art today, because we understand, that Ukrainian authors have rather high level of their works. Though our task is to promote fashion for fine art and raise our collectors. It is common in the world, that collectors and buyers of artworks not only give the opportunity to create for artists, but generate million dollars turnover in art market .”
Lera Litvinova is talented Ukrainian artist, whose abstract paintings of landscapes are now a part of permanent exhibition of Ukrainian hall in Charlie Checkpoint Museum in Berlin and works presented on the exhibition on Malta were highly appreciated by cultural society. In series of works “Rain” the artist emphasizes processes of struggle and opposition, its destroying consequences, but shows it on the other hand as an opportunity to build something new and bright.
Every painting of Tatyna Monich is completed with its mood, warmth and feeling, and they emphasize multiple sides and beauty of the world. Tatyana’s works have been presented on the exhibitions in Ukraine and Malta. Guests of the arrangement were conquered by the work with the image of piano – one of art symbols of Maydan.
Adam Olga - young artist, whose works complete private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Austria, Turkey and Italy. In works presented on the exhibition Olga Adam adopts primitivism style used by famous Ukrainian artist Mariya Priymachenko. All the works are depicting a bull as a symbol of Ukraine borrowed from Trypilska culture.
Besides artists and guests, the representative of social organization “Zdorove ludstvo” Viktoriya Shur also attended the opening of the exhibition. The organization is also a partner of the project and shares one of its main missions – to help cancer diseased children. “Zdorove ludstvo” supports children creativeness, understands it through the prism of modern tendencies in art and appreciate it to be interesting.
All the masterpieces on the exhibition are accessible for obtaining at appropriate price. Part of proceeds will be passed to children support projects, organized by “Zdorove ludstvo”. Now all the citizens and guests of the capital have an opportunity to uphold young creative generation of Ukrainian artists and give their goodness to those, who need it.
The exhibition will go on: 17.07 – 17.08.2014
Address: Hetman street, Bolshevik mall, Block A, 3th floor
Working hours: every day from 11.00 a.m. till 9.00 p.m

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