Personal Exhibition by Daria Ivaschenko Golden Catch opens in February
Lera Litvinova Gallery opens personal exhibition Daria Ivashchenko named “Golden Catch” on February 13 at 7 pm.
During her creative development Daria Ivashchenko managed to take the best of different artistic trends and choose her own recognizable style. Nowadays, her paintings complement private collections in various parts of the world, in particular in Ukraine, England, Switzerland, Spain, Austria.

All the inspiration from the observation of nature and environment the artist transfers to the canvas, masterfully drawing out every detail and making it the central motive of the painting. The combination of realistic and masterfully painted elements and laconic background of golden and silver metal leaves creates an exciting harmony of artist’s works.“Metal leaf is a very delicate material. You can’t make any corrections on it. That’s why your ideas always have to be accurately considered and calculated both in composition and scale. The usual corrections for oil paintings won’t work here.” - says Daria Ivashchenko.

Gold and silver provoke thoughts about flow of time, remind of eternal values. At the same time, intentionally enlarged forms of living creatures stress the perception of how important it is to see the beauty in its details. In the works of Ivashchenko, as well as in the works of early modernists of 19-20 century, such as Gustav Klimt, we can see a kind of aesthetic rebellion. But in the style of 21 century Ivashchenko reflects the concept of beauty and makes accents on idealistic ways to perceive and portray the world.

Daria Ivashchenko's works bring the pleasure of contemplation; at the same time they attract attention to the defenselessness of nature, its innocence, the need to preserve flora and fauna. Each canvas is full of lightness and sophistication, and the colors are intertwined, emphasizing the trembling of the marine world. At the same time, the images are imbued with the spirit of freedom, free existence and dangerous beauty. Paintings are harmonized with each other and bring the feeling of aesthetics, fragility and beauty of nature.

The exhibition is open till February 27. Working hours from 12 noon to 7 pm every day except Sunday and Monday.